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GHC ハーバーキッズキャンプ2023.jpg






聖書の神さまの愛を知って、友だちを愛し、友だちにつかえ、いっしょに楽しい時間をすごしましょう! 心に残る聖書の話し、はんごう炊飯、ナイトウォーク、ゲーム大会、そして、楽しいキャンプファイヤーがみんなを待っています。 (英語通訳ありです)

It is a camp to learn about God's love, to serve your friends by with God's love, and make a wonderful time together. Heart-warming bible lessons, group cooking time, night walk, game and sports, and campfires are waiting for you. (We offer English translation for those who do not understand Japanese)



● 全日程参加できる小中学生(中学生はリーダーとして参加してもらいます)It is for elementary schoolers and junior high schoolers, who can attend for the entire duration of the camp. We plan to ask junior highschoolers to serve as leaders during the camp. 

● 小学校入学未満の幼稚園児は保護者同伴を条件に参加可能です。 Kindergarteners can join as long as a parent could come together to attend to him/her for the whole time.

参加費|Camp Fee

食事・交通費込みで13000円 Including food & transportation, 13000yen per person.



中央区立柏学園(中央区の青少年のための宿泊研修施設です) Kashiwa Gakuen in Kashiwa-shi

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申込締切|Deadline for Sign-up

7月14日㊎ July 14th Fri

お問い合わせ Contact:

​​​​© 2014 Grace Harbor Church Tokyo

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