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Main Staff Introduction
Cameron Mills(キャメロン ミルズ)



Cameron Mills has the privilege of being one of a select few that have been part of two National Championship teams. Cameron won Championships while playing for the University of Kentucky in 1996 and 1998. Cameron Mills is best known for sinking crucial three-point field goals for the Kentucky Wildcats down the stretch of the 1998 NCAA Men's Basketball Championship game. He holds several three-point records at the University of Kentucky. Cameron currently travels around the United States speaking to young children and adults about his time playing basketball for Kentucky as well as the passion he has for his relationship with Jesus Christ.

Wellington Fraiha (ウェリントン フレイア)

ウェリントンはブラジル出身の元プロバスケットボール選手。 10歳でバスケを始め、13歳の時にフルタイムのバスケットボールコーチに教わり始めたことをきっかけに、よりバスケットに集中していきました。

10代のころにブラジルの国際大会に出場するためのメンバーに選ばれ、1976年にブラジルのBelo Horizonteという都市のプロチーム”Olímpico Clube” とプロ契約を結びました。 その後、国際大会で活躍し、プロ選手として、バスケットに対する情熱と愛情を強く持っています。ウェリントンは年齢を重ねた現在もなおBelo Horizonteの地域のリーグにてバスケットボールを楽しんでいます。

Wellington began playing basketball when he was 10 years old. At the age of 13, Wellington began to focus more on his basketball career with the help of a full-time coach. During his teen age years, he was picked to play on a Select Team that played in both national and international tournaments. In 1976, he was selected to play for a professional team called Olímpico Clube, in the state capital city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. During his years of competing at the professional and international level, Wellington developed a strong passion and love for the game of basketball. Wellington still plays basketball weekly at a local club in his home town of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. 

Keisuke Onodera(小野寺 恵介)

小野寺恵介は、群馬県出身の日米のプロ経験を持つ元プロバスケットボール選手。高校を卒業後は同志社大学に進学。更に、アメリカのマイナーリーグABAに所属するチームSan Diego SOLとプロ契約を結びました。



Keisuke has professional experience both in Japan and the U.S. He is originally from Gunma and played for Doshisha university. Then, he made the San Diego SOL in the ABA, a minor league in the U.S. After going back to Japan, he was selected from a tryout for the bj league (pro league in Japan) and played for Oita and Saitama. During his pro career, he had the experience of translating for teammates from overseas. Now, he has stopped to play to go back to school, Saitama university, to get a Master's degree in teaching. Besides studying, he is joining many camps and sharing his experience. 

Cameron Mils
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